It is truly justified to have endless queries when you're moving ahead with laser tattoo removal. From health concerns to in-depth knowledge about the procedure and when is the right time to get it done - you must know it all. We are not going to dwell in vague answers that are neither here nor there instead we will specifically mention which time of the year is best suited for this. Winter is not only the season of festivities, holidays, and family but it is also the best time to go through tattoo removal. It is during this time that healing becomes easier. The lack of insufferable heat gives your skin the opportunity to heal naturally without any blisters, scars, or damage. Laser tattoo removal is the best way forward to remove any unwanted tattoos. It is safe and guaranteed to work.
Today, we want to talk about the many reasons why winter should be the month you opt for tattoo removal.
- The Sun Won't Be Your Sworn Enemy
Based on the type of skin you possess, your expert technician will craft a customized plan for treatment and how he or she wishes to deal with the tattoo removal task in hand. This particular treatment plan will consist of your sensitivity level, skin type, and color. Something that you will hear every professional say is the importance of keeping out of the sun. This isn't limited to one or two days after each session but is bound to continue for weeks. The results you seek from your Extinkt tattoo removal can be adversely reversed if it comes in contact with the sun. This might lead to blisters, severe inflammation, scarring, and so on. When you have a sunburn or tan, it will cause your skin to itch more and you will experience further discomfort. It will be prevalent during your tattoo removal treatment as well as afterward.
When our skin is exposed to the sun, the production of melanin increases. This makes the skin highly vulnerable and burns become inescapable during tattoo removal. Peeling off the skin as well as blistering leads to scars. Hyperpigmentation is another major problem that you have to get accustomed to. The skin pigment is removed permanently here. You can only stay away from the reach of hyperpigmentation if the skin doesn't come in contact with the sun for a few months.
- The Troubles Of Shaving and Waxing
Every woman (with tattoos or otherwise) cherishes the winter months, guess why? She no longer has to endure the troubles of getting waxed or shaving. This will work in your favor if you opt for tattoo removal during the cold, wintery months. Once you opt for Entinkt tattoo removal, you have to leave your skin alone. There can't be any form of plucking, waxing, shaving, and so on. Hair removal is a scary beauty treatment if you have just started with laser tattoo removal. It can cause blisters and open wounds. The trouble of waxing or shaving is removed during winter as you are always under layers.
- Impeccable Progress
Laser tattoo removal isn't a one-day phenomenon. You have to bear it in mind that it is going to take quite some time to get the procedure right. The professional in charge will take into consideration a variety of factors and then determine the number of sessions required and the gap that will prevail between two sessions. You have to expect a minimum of eight weeks to heal after one session. This is the time when your tattoo will fade away. However, there won't be any pattern in the way the tattoo fades. It might seem like an issue to many who have tattoos in visible regions of their body. Winter will again prove to be a blessing in disguise as it can keep the area concealed. Once the winter months are over there won't be any half removed tattoo on your body and you will confidently show off your crystal clear skin.
- No Swim, No Infection
There are quite a few restrictions that you have to keep in mind when you are opting for tattoo removal. Be it swimming or soaking in the bathtub, surfing or skiing - nothing is allowed. The risk of getting infected is way too high in all of these scenarios. Your fun, leisurely activities of the summer can definitely get in the way of the healing process. During the winter months, you can simply wash the area with some mild antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, unscented soap. This will keep the region clean and free from infections.
- You Must Plan Accordingly
Summer is that time of the year when you plan short trips and long vacation. This can be majorly affected if you start the Extinkt tattoo removal procedure if started can't be left behind midway. Winter is the time to stay rooted and enjoy with family and friends. No matter how large or minuscule your tattoo is, it can't be rushed. Both will need weeks of healing. Why would you want that headache during your vacation and beach fun? Don't let a halfway removed tattoo spoil the fun of summer dresses. Choose winter for tattoo removal procedures.
In Brief:
It is way easier to stay away from the sun because you tend to spend the majority of your time indoors. Even when you head out, your skin remains comfortably wrapped in woolen wear and is protected from any damage. Winter is the best time to remove your tattoo because you can finally take a sigh of relief. During all the healing and care, you can dream of the glorious sunny days when you can show off your tattoo free, healthy, and beautiful skin.